ZPEC Rig 19’s R-812 Well Successfully Completed in Iraq Rumaila Oilfield


On June 11, 2024, Well R-812, the third well drilled by ZPEC Rig 19 in the Iraq Rumaila Oilfield, was successfully completed 4 days ahead of the design period. ZPEC Rig 19s excellent drilling and completion performance was highly recognized by the client.

R-812 Well was spudded in on May 25, 2024, and completed on June 11 at a depth of 2,612 meters. The overall pure drilling time of the well was 129.4 hours and the composite drilling rate reached more than 90%. During the drilling operation, ZPEC Directional Drilling Team precisely controlled the trajectory of the wellbore, reducing the time increase due to sliding drilling. When drilling into the Dammam leaky layer, the Cementing Team successfully plugged the leak with only one cement plug. The Logging Team obtained all geological data throughout the process, followed up the shale block drop in real time, and worked closely with the Mud Team to adjust the mud performance in real time and monitor various abnormal conditions underground, ensuring the safe and smooth progress of the drilling operation.

The efficient completion of R-812 Well not only demonstrated the efficient collaboration and technical strength of the ZPEC Team, but also established a good image for ZPEC in the Iraq oil and gas industry.

(ZPEC Oilfield Service Company/Wang Han)

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