ZPEC Achieves Remarkable Results in Q1 2023 Exploration


In the first quarter of 2023, ZPEC Oil & Gas made full use of the results of the second-phase 3D seismic continuous processing data. They were able to focus on the integration of exploration, evaluation, and construction of the Kekeya Oilfield, focus on the exploration of the Laolongkou Area, and take into account the Hongqipo Structural Belt to vigorously develop oil and gas exploration work. In the first quarter, a total of 10 exploration wells and evaluation wells were implemented, all of which were successful, and the oil and gas exploration achieved remarkable results.

The Kekeya Oilfield is a new block discovered in 2022 and it is the result of expansion exploration in the northeast direction of the Wen 7 Block, the main block of the Aksu Oilfield. In 2023, Zhongman Oil & Gas will implement the integration of exploration, evaluation, and production capacity construction centered on the Kekeya Oilfield, and will achieve a significant increase in reserves and production. The Hong 52 Fault Block was newly discovered on the upper wall of the F1 fault zone in the Wensu Block. Among them, the Hong 79-2 Well on the Hong 79 Platform encountered oil and gas layers, and the current oil test has obtained a high-yield oil flow of 42 tons of oil per day. In the Wensu Area, key exploration wells, such as Ke 2 and Ke 3, were deployed in the Hong 80 Block on the lower wall of the F1 fault zone and have encountered high-yield gas formations. Among them, the gas test of Ke 3 Well obtained a high-yield gas flow of 64,000 cubic meters of natural gas per day, showing that the Kekeya Oilfield has good exploration potential and will soon become an important replacement area for reserves and production in Aksu Oilfield.

Highlighting strategic leadership, the risk exploration Longtan 1 Well was deployed in the Laolongkou Structural Belt in the northeast of the block. The drilling depth of this well is 5,016 meters and it is currently the deepest exploration well in the Aksu Oilfield. The well has seen good oil and gas shows above and below the unconformity and is currently undergoing oil testing. The discovery of Longtan 1 Well marks a major breakthrough in the exploration of the periphery of the Wensu Block.

Not only that, the exploration of the Hongqipo Fault Zone has also achieved good results. Hong 301 Well encountered sandstones in the Jidike Formation and fractured reservoirs of carbonate rocks in ancient buried hills. Oil testing in the fractured reservoirs yielded 3.4 tons of industrial oil flow per day. It is the first breakthrough in the exploration of buried hill formations in the Hongqipo Area.

Mr. Wu Chao, the Deputy Chief Geologist and Manager of the Geological Reservoir Department of Aksu Zhongman Oil and Gas Company, introduced the successful implementation of these exploratory wells, which has both expanded the oil-bearing range of the structural-lithological reservoirs of the third member of Jiji Member and also revealed the oil and gas reservoirs of ancient buried hill formations. With respect to prospects for exploration, in the second quarter, the company will make every effort to increase reserves and production in the Wensu Block by strengthening the application of 3D contiguous data, intensifying peripheral exploration, and accelerating the implementation of integration of exploration, evaluation, and construction of Kekeya Oilfield. The company will scientifically deploy, optimize the organization, and complete each project as soon as possible to complete the reporting of new reserves and replacement of production as soon as possible, thus achieving high and stable production in the oilfield.

  (Text by ZPEC Oil & Gas/Chen Ronghui, Photo by Shang Zhigang/Chen Lulu)

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