Students from Shanghai Dianji University Visit ZPEC Shanghai Lingang Base for Internship


On June 28, 2021, more than 200 undergraduates majoring in electrical engineering, electrical machinery, and electrical intelligence from the School of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Dianji University, visited ZPEC Shanghai Lingang Base for an internship to learn about petroleum equipment and intelligent drilling rigs. Through this close contactthe students had a more intuitive experience of their specific major at Shanghai Dianji University.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the students first attended the admission safety education class given by the group's HSE Director Mr. Yang Yaoqi.  They watched the popular science video about the petroleum industry followed by ZPEC’s marketing video in the multimedia conference hall. After thatMr. Cai Bo, ZPEC Equipment Group Marketing Center Manager, give a brief introduction of ZPEC. ZPEC’s brand story, its corporate cultureand international development path. This left an unforgettable impression on the students. They actively participated in the interactive Q&A session, then the teachers and students put on PPE and visited the intelligent drilling rigs and workshops in the factory. They gained a preliminary understanding of the advanced nature of the intelligent drilling rigs and the manufacturing and technological process of ZPEC’s drilling rigs and equipment.

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