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On June 28, 2021, good news came from the ZPEC Wenbei Oilfield as the total daily output of crude oil exceeded 400 tons for the first time. Presenting a generous gift to the Chinese Communist Party’s centennial birthday was this outstanding performance in the process of integrating into the national energy strategy. Mr. Li Xuesong, the Deputy General Manager and Chief Geologist of ZPEC Oil & Gas Company, said that as the exploration and development of Wenbei Oilfield proceeded in an orderly manner, the company has made a five-year plan based on the local overall deployment of establishing a strategic highland in the west five counties of Aksu in Wensu County. It plans to invest more than 2 billion RMB to complete the deployment of 510 square kilometers of 3D seismic and 390 well deployment, further expand exploration and development results, increase oil and gas production. while achieving a substantial increase in self-benefits. This also helps local economic development through increasing taxes, expanding employment, and establishing industrial clusters, etc, which provides the cumulative experience for private enterprises to participate deeply in the reform of the national oil and gas system.
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