Iraq Provincial Government Delegation Visits Block 12 Project


On January 14, 2017 at 11:30 am Iraq local time, Yahia Alnasem, Iraqi provincial party committee leader, including others from the provincial government, arrived in two helicopters at the wellsite Salman -1 to inspect and guide work on the Block12 Project.
In the meeting, Mr. Alnasem pointed out that the ZPEC’s construction and site management, in an orderly way, can maintain their strategic international management level.  He emphasized that, in the current political situation, the government will provide high quality resources and necessary support, and would provide safety escort for the ZPEC workers.   After the meeting, the project manager, Shen Ruiping, thanked the government delegation and led a guided on-site inspection.
Block 12 Project Management always gives top priority to safety and security as rescue and evacuation is very difficult due to the remote location.   Project management must adhere to security protocol and depend upon security companies to safely defend the well site.  Using  government relations to secure the army and the police’s assistance provides safety guarantees outside the wellsite. (reported by Yang bin)

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